

We work with branding and marketing communication, help our clients to create a real and authentic company/product image and to protect it so it is recognizable and retains its core elements in all the channels. We also work with creating the visual environment for the product – design issues, packages and shop communication.

Many of our work areas need narrow specialist knowledge (for example food, healthcare, pharmaceuticals, tourism, sponsorship, crisis, industry, innovations.) A part of the work is to be able to adapt fast to new situations, handle big amounts of new information, see the essential facts in the flow and to use them for the benefit of the client as fast as possible.

In absolutely every area of business, it is still humans making buying decisions. Humans can always be affected and marketing applied to any area of business. We work with extern communications that show the company’s selling arguments and positive messages in media, intern communication that gives a clear value base to coworkers and motivates them and change communication helping clients to reorganize and to create effective organizations.