The wonder pills for marketing and digital RIGHT NOW

DIGITAL CLIENT CLUBS There were several early starter mediated discount services like Groupon that most of us have forgotten by now. Now it is all about building own branded audiences and selling their attention and buying potential. The new big development is attracting early adopters that are active in client clubs. A marketer needs to[…]

What does your handshake tell about you???

When the President of USA, Donald Trump, and the President of France, Emmanuel Macron, met the first time in Brussels, they shared a tense handshake that seemed more like a duel than a warm and welcome greeting. Macron did not let Trump’s hand go, even after Trump’s knuckles turned white. It should come as no[…]


We invite UK companies to come and conquer Scandinavia with us. With fantastic food, trendy clothes and cool tech, Scandinavians have given the world new ideas about being “hygge” and having “sisu”, eating “smorgasbord” and using big woollen socks in the warm light of Ikea candles. The Finnish word “kalsarikännit” (= you get drunk at[…]


Opening a new restaurant is a massive expense and investment. Basically if you don’t at least break even within the first three months then you are fu**ed – unless, of course, it’s a vanity project and you have a bottomless pit of money to burn. Then you have nothing to worry about. It is essential[…]

How to write product descriptions that sell

It is an easy mistake that even professional copywriters make sometimes. They write product descriptions that simply describe the products. Why is that wrong? Because product descriptions need to sell your products! Lets look at nine simple ways to persuade your web visitors with product descriptions that sell.   1.FOCUS ON YOUR IDEAL BUYER When writing a[…]

Marketing to Millennials – 5 trends leading the way

Millennials, originally a name for the kids graduating year 2000, is nowadays used of people born between 1982 to 2004 or 1983-2001 or 1980-1994 but normally meaning the whole generation born in in 80s and 90s. Millennials are the largest generation since the Baby Boomers and they are about to enter their prime purchasing years.[…]